From Trauma we can find Wisdom.

Healing from trauma takes patience and self acceptance. Experiencing trauma as a child or adult can shake us to our core. Post-traumatic stress symptoms such as anxiety, depression, flashbacks, and dissociation can be scary and overwhelming, but they are normal responses to a traumatic event. My hope is to create a safe space for you to begin a path to healing, integration and growth.

About me and my Counseling Journey:

My journey in the counseling profession started in my late teens as a volunteer Rape Crisis Counselor at a local YWCA. My journey continued over the years, and eventually became a passion for working with survivors of sexual abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence. I truly believe that from trauma there can be healing, and life changing growth, if we can allow ourselves compassion and acceptance. My goal for your therapeutic process with me is to help you discover your strength and self compassion, and, accompany you on your path to healing.

Kim Bourgette


 Contact Me.

Please reach out about consultation inquires and other questions.
